Hacktoberfest Pull Request #1

Hacktoberfest is final here and my first pull request is already up. One of my goals for this hacktoberfest was to improve my skills in HTML. Therefore I the first pull request I completed was  to add information to the current code in the master.

Issue: Add “Divergent” by Veronica Roth to EmojiPages

EmojiPages is a website that is displayed on the GitHub pages, it's main objective is the display emojis that give a simple summary about the story or music they are about. The code has a mixture of HTML, java script and CSS elements. The issue for this GitHub project was emoji describing the what the book "Divergent" was about, long with the who wrote it , the name of the book and what year it was published.
 The image of the code bellow is what was required to be added to the code. In other to start this issue I had to fork this project and download it to my local to computer for editing. The completed code was uploaded a different branch on my version of the code and then a pull request was created to for the  issue.  All the code new code and old where in  file called data.js; in there where an array element that held the a section code that had the same layout as the image below.

 They are shored in const value called emojiItems which used in the file called app.js. Where the array element is used in a card element and is displayed on the web page.


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