DPS909 Fall 2019 - Release 0.1

For the first release for this program is based mine on the web application created by Miguel R., for lab 2.  The changes that I had to make were related to user functionality. I made it easier for a user to know where its was editable and added the ability to count the words in the area.

When I first laid eyes on the web page code, I dint know what I could add to make it more functional, because from my perspective the create meet the requirement of the Lab 2. So I was stomped, until I remembered in one of my Html course that was are to create web pages that allow the user to use it with minimum brainpower. Meaning the user show know what to do or where to go just by looking at the web page. 

Therefore I went through my personal checklist to see if the webpage meets the minimal brainpower checklist and I found out that because there is a distinction between the background color of the webpage and content editable area. It could be confusing for users to use, so I made it easier to recognize the area the user is to type. Also made it much for efficient by adding the word count.

I used the open-source stack web site as my community involvement for help on the word count functionality. If there's ever a  point in the near future that required that word to be counted on the web bases application then, I will then use the word count functionality by Roko C. Buljan.

Issues 1: https://github.com/miggs125/mini-note/issues/1

Issues 2: https://github.com/miggs125/mini-note/issues/3

Pull Request 1:  https://github.com/miggs125/mini-note/pull/4   

Pull Request 2: https://github.com/miggs125/mini-note/pull/2

Review: https://github.com/evlnyng/CornellNote/pull/4


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